Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Much Needed Vacation...

Or at least I keep telling myself that every December.  Around October I get this grandiose idea that I need to get away from my hometown for just a little bit.  So I book a mini-vaca to see my best girlfriend last year and found myself bawling at the airport as I left my hubby when entering the security line.  This year I really needed to see my brother.  It's been way too long and he has the perfect excuse for needing to see him—a holiday bash!  This time, with the hubby working doubles on Saturdays, I had to drive myself down to JFK—let me just say, even on a Saturday, city drivers are crazy!  I'm just not a fan; I was pretty sure my death was inevitable at 6 a.m. this morning.  But I made it to the airport, and to my gate just in time to board and make my phone call to the hubby and to my mom.  

Do you do that?  Do you worry that the next flight could be your last?  Because I do that ALL the time.  I'm so scared of flying that every time I board a plane, I pretty much say my final goodbyes and a few prayers for the safety of us to my loved ones that have passed on and to God.  Maybe I'm the only looney that does that... please assure me that I'm not.  

So anyway,  the guy next to me was nice, even though he smelled like pure alcohol, and luckily we didn't have anyone in the middle seat between us—a win win in my book! I think I even slipped in a little bit of a nap, even though my back was in excruciating pain (I hurt it last week and just can't seem to mend it- not the chiropractor, not ice, not heat, not pain meds... Oh, well, I guess I just can't sit, stand, or walk too long!).

Now, I'm a small town girl, so I usually don't go to holiday parties; the only holiday party I barely attend every year is my work Christmas party.  It's pretty much a gorge of food and alcohol and I'm not much for participating in either.  I don't think that this year will differ much, it's just not my thing, but we shall see.

I'm beyond jealous of my brother's home that he shares with a few roommates.  It was built in 2005 in the craftsman style and it's absolutely gorgeous.  I feel like I'm living like a pauper, even though we have a beautiful home; a house like this in New York would definitely be beyond our means.  

So I'm going to get myself pepped up and pretty for this Naughty or Nice Holiday Bash.  I'm really looking forward to it.  These next four days with my brother will probably top any social happenings that I'll ever have back home this year.  We're such homebodies.  I love it.  But every once in awhile, it's nice to have a little change of pace.

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