Friday, October 30, 2009

Oh yeaaa...

So today feels like my first lazy day in a long time and I have to admit, I'm loving it! I know that I should be more productive and get some exercise in, but I just have no energy. I did try to get my upcoming bride-to-be friend to go for a walk with me but she's feeling a little under the weather. I'm waiting for the hubby to leave for the gym and then I'm going to do my pilates video and my wii fit. I need it. I've been so busy with work and school- I just haven't been able to get my ass to Jen's classes or hit the pavement or hit the gym. I've been doing some schoolwork and catching up on my fitness and self magazines. I've got some great tips and some great recipe ideas. I can't wait till I have the time to put these new ideas into action. When I do have the time to cook, I'll post the recipes. Promise.

I have to admit, this is my kind of day.

I'm heading towards cup of tea number four and it's 6 p.m. I had my usual two apples with almond butter for breakfast and about an hour ago I had some air popped popcorn with some butter spray and garlic. I love this as a snack— even if I treat it as a meal because I eat a big bowl of it, but let's just say, my stomach loves me for all this fiber that I consume when I eat my big bowl of popcorn.

Right now the hubby is home because he's catching up on some work stuff for a test he has tomorrow for a possible promotion. I hope he does great because he deserves to. By the time I get home from work tonight he'll already be sleeping, so I'm enjoying the fact that the two of us have time to just sit on the couch together— snuggled beneath a king size blanket, not really saying a word, and doing our work. This is my kind of day.

Yesterday, I think I possibly consumed 10 cups of tea. I think I'm becoming totally addicted to its warm deliciousness. Today, I've been drinking green mint tea, but I'm going to switch it up for my next cup which is brewing right now: Blueberry green tea. Oh yea— just enough of a hint of blueberry and the rest green tea. It's pretty much a perfect addition to my green tea cabinet of choices... did I mention that this is my kind of day?

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