Thursday, October 29, 2009

Busy Busy...

I'm very tired. Very sleepy. Sometimes I feel like my eyelids are just going to fall down to my chin. But it's ok because it's almost over. There are like five weeks left of classes and then I can seriously rejoice in my new bathtub...

After going to the doctors today for the first time in three years, I feel like I can hopefully just know that everything comes back normal... all I need to do now is go to the gastroenterologist and know that my stomach issues are just normal issues. I hate having IBS. Thankfully when I went to the doctor today I didn't eat or drink anything beforehand because I was able to get bloodwork done at the same time... starving afterwards, but happy that I didn't need to make another appointment.

After my appointment I headed over to a bathtub showroom because we're redoing our bathtub to include jets. The only problem is that the hubby wants a one-piece shower tub combo and I want a deep bathtub with air jets. Let me tell you, this is a hard combo to find. I think I found one here, but it has a roof on it, so I'm not sure if it will fit. I guess we've got to talk to our contractor. I can't wait to be able to soak in a tub again. I love taking baths and being all warm and bubbly in a jetted tub. That's the one thing I miss from my mom's house. I'm just happy to have the opportunity to get the new tub. I seriously dream about it. Coming home from a long day of work and school— just soaking in warm bath water with lavender oils (the reason I want an air jet tub, you can't use oils in a standard whirlpool).

Yesterday was a long day... up at 6 a.m. for classes and at school until 5 p.m.- then going to work until 1 a.m. and having some nutty customers to watch the Yankees with. I'm really hoping they can pull it off tonight. Hopefully it's just as busy tonight as it was last night. I drank my warm cup of tea the hubby had made and I just passed out before my head hit the pillow... I like busy nights, I need another one— I need to pay for this tub, don't I?

1 comment:

Trish said...

The tub sounds awesome..... I wish Jon would have gotten jets for our tub... but at least it is deep enough for me to soak in my mint bubble bath or lavender depending on my mood to just relax and let the day slip away......


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