Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So tired, but can't stop...

I'm on my second wind right now because earlier today I was about ready to pass out.  I worked last night till 12:30 am and went to bed about an hour later, then woke up at 6am.  I have to admit, it kinda sucked.  But I kept my eyes open through my classes and went to the gym with Lori.  I have to admit I wanted to get a text message from Lori all day long.  I wanted her to cancel.  I wanted to cancel on her, but I refuse to ever do that to her.  So I started off with a little bit of a struggle but I started feeling more and more energized and finished feeling great.  I do love the gym.  And I got an inspirational phone call to on my ride home.  Throughout our workout today I kept telling Lori that all I wanted when I went home was a piece of our sample wedding cake (we went wedding cake testing yesterday and we got the sample in our fridge... it's pretty much been screaming my name!)  So when I was driving home Lori called me and told me to drink a protein shake and to not eat the cake.  Or if I did eat the cake, at least I had the protein shake.  We talked for a little bit and she vented over her breakup and I vented over my cake!  I did come home and make a protein shake, but I also had a piece of cake.  I didn't want to keep thinking about it and obsessing over it.  But I don't really like cake, I just liked the filling and the icing, so the cake part is in the garbage and the rest is in my belly.  I know it doesn't justify it, but I refuse to obsess over the foods that I can and "CAN'T" have.  I had a bowl full of veggies afterwards and I'm feeling pretty good.  Still awake and waiting for the hubby to come home because I'm missing him like crazy.  There's also a thunderstorm going on outside and I'm terrified of them.  I had a great gym day and a good food day.  Now I just need some sleep... 

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